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Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association Email Us
CCWBRA Burgee Flying
Art Gompf
CCWBRA Burgee Flying
Art Gompf
Welcome to the Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association

The CCWBRA was founded in 2010 to encourage and organize racing in the Cocktail Class Runabout. Based on the out-board racer SKUA, an 8 ft. plywood skimmer designed in 1939 by Charles MacGregor, the Cocktail Class Runabout is an economical, easily constructed and exciting runabout. It is ideal for racing at all skill levels and ages.

Although a young powerboat racing organization, the CCWBRA and its one-design Cocktail Class Runabout have received overwhelming enthusiasm and support from around the world. Boats are being built and raced in 33 states and 7 countries. We are sure they will engage all generations of your family and friends for many years to come!

Build a Skua

Boats are being built and raced in 33 states and 7 countries. Chesapeake Light Craft of Annapolis, MD sells manuals, full-sized plans, and partial and full kits of a stitch-and-glue Skua, which meet the requirements for CCWBRA sanctioned races. More information about their kits may be found at

You may also build a Cocktail Class Skua Runabout from the original plans entitled SKUA, 8 Foot All Plywood Outboard Skimmer, Building Manual, Fourth Edition 2018, Revised 10/20/22. If interested in the Skua plans, email the Secretary for information on where to purchase them.

Race with Us

We are always looking for venues for spring, mid-summer and fall regattas.  Local groups who wish to host CCWBRA races should contact the Fleet Captain ( regarding the posting of race dates and locations.  The Fleet Captain will also provide assistance with coordinating an holding an event.

Individuals who wish to participate in these races must be a CCWBRA member or family member in good standing with annual dues current.  All drivers must sign a Racing Release Form the day of the event and all boats must hold a Certificate of Racing Eligibility (received when you register your boat through the Assocation).  Boats will be inspected prior to each race to ensure they are constructed per drawings, have a minimum weight of 80 lbs and conform to USCG and state safety regulations

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