2018 CCWBRA Nationals
Thanks to everyone for coming out to our 8th Annual CCWBRA Nationals event!
We had 31 racers competing for first place and beautiful weather to enjoy it! Although the forecast called for rain, we didn’t get one drop!
The races started with a bang…literally…from the baby canon and continued with a flip in the first heat of the first event, 8 HP Mixed, by Cameron Walker in 1314 SNAFU. Cameron became an official member of the unofficial Turtle Club. He came all the way from Tennessee to make a splash at Nationals…and he sure did! Once the course was cleared, we had a pretty smooth race. A big thanks to Fred Bluefeld, Jim Schmicker, Fred Allerton and Jeff Weeber who couldn’t race but showed up to help run the event. And Rich Faulkner who showed up to race, but had a motor that didn’t want any part of it, for also helping out at the start. They kept the race moving and we finished at 3:30 pm.
We had, what we believe, to be the first ever 3-way tie, with all three ladies in the Late Classic event taking turns in 1st, 2nd and 3rd. In the end, the tie-breaker was the order of the final race, with Kelsie Odhner in 46 Rajic taking home 1st place, Kaylie Jasinski in 67 Molotov taking 2nd place and Sara Orthwein in 1314 SNAFU taking 3rd.
Anneliesse Cantera, in 114 Rolling Thyme, making her debut in the Women’s events this year, took home 1st place in Post 79 Women’s, followed by Sara Orthwein, in 1314 SNAFU and Kaylie Jasinski in 67 Molotov.
We had some of the best & most competitive racing we have seen in a while!
The awards ceremony and banquet was held at the Steffes home, so a HUGE thanks to them for hosting us! And a shout out to Todd & Sue, Captain Lee & Dawn, Suzy Allerton, Marget Bluefeld, and Marta McCave for the amazing cooking and pain-staking preparation that went into making the 8th Annual Nationals Awards Banquet such a fantastic one!
Thank you to everyone involved, from Race Directors, Todd Steffes and Peter Urbani; Commodore, Keith Carew, Pit Crew, Jeff Weeber, Start Committee, Fred Bluefeld, Jim Schmicker, Rich Faulkner & Fred Allerton; Safety Committee- DJ Kepler and Darryl Kepler and for the generous use of their watercraft for the day; Race Committee, Peter Urbani, Suzy Allerton, Kimberly Shubert and Julia (Mark Windmiller’s granddaughter) for helping us set up the heats; and Charlie Iliff for designing and sponsoring the start timer.
If you missed this event, we hope to see you at the upcoming Union Lake Regatta or Oktoberfest (our last race of the season!)