Tennessee Cup 2021
The third attempt at a first annual Tennessee Cup was a wonderful event. The weather did everything it could to dampen our spirits, but it cooperated long enough for us to have our event. The State Park welcomed us with escorts to the Race area as well as offering all support to make the event successful. This is a great venue!
Special thanks to so many but the long-range travelers were the stars of the show. On the first heat, we had a photo finish between our two Pennsylvania Racers Tom Kerr and Fred Allerton. We also welcomed Rick and Terry Loewen (Tohatsu Winner) and Ray Crowley from Florida. We had Toms Kerr’s Son, Caleb Kerr from Texas. Caleb is a professional photographer and took some wonderful pictures of the event. A special thanks to Lee and Deb Edmonds that made their second trip to Pickwick as they helped support our first attempt in 2019. Jack and Nancy Pettigrew made the trip from Virginia where I made my first Race over 8 years ago. Of note, Susie Allerton handled our scoring while Lee and Deb handled the starting sequence. This event would not have been possible without the support of these wonderful people.
We would not have a Tennessee Fleet without my friend Vernon Hart. Vernon, with his children built three racers over the last six months. These boats are works of art and his son Corbin won the Early Classic on his first Race! Vernon’s daughter Clare brought home the women’s trophy in “Pixie Dust”.
Team Walker was impressive with both a beautiful boat and apparently the one to beat in the Late Classic and Post classes. Thank you, Cameron, for bringing your wonderful family and keeping most of the trophies in Tennessee. Sam and Wendy Weary, also of Tennessee, made the trip and have always been great supporters of CCWBRA.
Two tow ins (no Turtles), both with boats owned by the Race Director. One special award for extra ballast (taking your anchor on the racecourse) and one for making the most turns around a pylon (lost steering).
We had a lot of new racers that did a great job of being safe and truly enjoying a day of racing. We watched the new racers improve with every heat and I challenge all competition to compete with the Tennessee fleet.
I have a special thanks my family and friends and especially the rescue boat crew. Wally Witham, William Fransioli, John Fryman and Matt Struna all contributed greatly to our success.
And most important of all, my wife Lori for putting up with me.
We plan to have the Second Annual Tennessee Cup on September 17th, 2022.
Chris Norman
Tennessee Cup Race Director
Moonshiners Fleet Captain