Oktoberfest 2022
A 10-15 knot SSW breeze raised a chop on Fairlee Creek, but that didn’t dampen the enthusiasm and excitement for the Cocktail Class Wooden Boat Racing Association’s (CCWBRA) season end, Oktoberfest Regatta, held for the first time at Safe Harbor Great Oak Landing on October 15. Thirteen of the small (8’) home-built outboard-powered (6-8 hp) wooden race boats competed in several classes over a racecourse near the mouth of Fairlee Creek. Many spectators turned out for the races which were easily watched from Jellyfish Joel’s Beach Bar, which was opened for the event. The choppy conditions made for some exciting races (two boats flipped, nobody injured, just cold drivers in the chilly water) and as the breeze increased in the afternoon the last race was canceled. Nevertheless, lots of great racing for drivers and spectators.
Race recap courtesy of Safe Harbor Great Oak Landing
Oktoberfest 2022 Results:
6hp Late Classic Mixed
1. Benji Cantera, 113 Ice Man
2. Ray Crowley, 37 Chaser
Tohatsu 6hp
1. Fred Allerton, 28 Swamp Rocket
2. Benji Cantera, 113 Ice Man
3. Keith Carew, 35 Stoli NFL
4. Todd Steffes, 6 Maize N Brew
5. Curt Bluefeld, 13 Mother’s Ruin
6hp Post ’79 Heavy
1. Jeff Weeber, 1100 High Gravity
2. Todd Steffes, 6 Maize N Brew
6hp Post ’79 Mixed
1. Benji Cantera, 113 Ice Man
2. Lou Linden, 66 Mrs. Smirnoff
3. Ray Crowley, 407 Neat
Oktoberfest Turtle Club Inductee
“I was inducted into the prestigious Turtle Club. I was told it was not if, but when you become a member. I was not however expecting the water to be so cold.”
~ Ray Crowley