Tennessee Fun Run 2019

From the Race Director:
A display and demonstration of Cocktail Class Racers was held on the Tennessee River in Pickwick Landing State Park on Saturday, 7 September, 2019. The weather couldn’t have been any better. There was a light breeze blowing across the river into the spectators’ faces which was creating a one-inch ripple that new, prospective drivers had to contend with as they repeatedly careened around several buoys in a large triangle just off the shore. The air temperature actually got up into the high 80s in the afternoon. Fortunately, there were lots of shade-providing trees to keep spectators cool under the cloud-free skies as they sat on the Park’s picnic tables overlooking the activities.
Friday afternoon, as the four-member Walker Racing Team was checking in, Dave L. of Chattanooga drove up. He had splashed his family’s CCR three weeks earlier, had seen the advertisements for the TN race, noted the race had been postponed but that a demo was still planned, so drove over 220 miles to see other CCRs, talk with their owners, and watch them run.
Friday evening, Dave joined eight other CCWBRA members on our host’s I/O safety boat for a cruise up the Tennessee River to a waterside restaurant, Aqua Yacht Harbor Grille, for a delicious meal.
On Saturday morning, the Walker’s Moonshine Racing Tractor helped put in and retrieve three CCRs for the on-water demonstration. The first non-CCWBRA person to drive one of our boats was a publisher of the VIP Pickwick Magazine, Jeff W. After burning about a gallon of gas, Jeff returned to the pit area with a huge smile. He is now looking to buy a CCR. Jeff put an ad for the Tennessee Cup on page 6 of the Aug/Sep issue of VIP Pickwick (http://viponline.vippickwick.com/pickwick/2019/August/). He plans to write an article for a future issue, too. Coming off the water he said “This is the most fun I’ve had all Summer”.

The next non-member driver to go out was John C. of Memphis. His ride was certainly an unexpected treat for him and he didn’t mind getting his long pants wet as he waded out to and from the CCR. More smiles and a positive interest in building his own CCR before a possible Great Loop voyage in two years.

The last non-member driver was Jennifer from Iuka, MI. As her husband watched her drive around the buoys, he was coming to the realization that he will soon be building a CCR for Jennifer. And he seemed okay with that prospect.
Another highlight of the day was the dry-rub BBQ lunch our hosts Chris and Lori Norman (Moonshiners Regional Fleet Captain) prepared for us and shared with other drivers and spectators. There wasn’t a large spectator turnout on the beach, but those two-dozen or so attending were interested and asked pertinent questions. Also, anyone sitting in the Pickwick Inn’s restaurant or one of the Inn’s 119 rooms with views of the river could see the CCRs driving around the buoys. Pontoon and fishing boats would gather in sight of the buoys whenever the CCRs were tackling the course. The fishing boats included a fair number of entrants in the West Tennessee Region BASS Nation High School Fishing Tournament that ran on Saturday from the Park.
Concluding the demo was an awards ceremony by Chris. Included among the awards were several bottles of dry rub BBQ spices that were a special treat after the BBQ served for lunch. Coveted Tennessee Cup decals were given to attendees.
Eight of the participants ate another wonderful dinner at Freddy-T’s, a short drive from the Park, Saturday evening.
I would like to make special mention of our longest distance participants. Lee and Deb Edmonds made the trip from Maryland and made their CCR available for the Demo. This would not have been a successful event without their presence.
The Region expects to have six Race Boats by next season with local events to promote the westward expansion of the organization. We believe we have the perfect venue and overwhelming support of the community. We would like to see ALL of you here next year. Just plan a Vacation, you won’t be disappointed.
Pickwick is a long drive from other CCWBRA racing venues. If you plan to go to future events there, consider spending time at nearby attractions. For example, a short distance from Pickwick Park (a fifteen-minute drive?) is the 5,000-acre Shiloh National Military Park which commemorates the April 6-7, 1862 Civil War battle that produced more than 23,000 casualties. Admission to Shiloh is free, as are a 43-minute movie and a self-guided, 20-stop auto tour around the grounds that is most interesting, if not sobering.
Hope to see you all next year!
Chris Norman, Race Director